Możliwość wprowadzenia na rynek innowacyjnych produktów - dżemów z warzyw. Badania wstępne
Numerous changes and improvements introduced on the food market make the producers look for new, innovative products to attract more consumers. In turn, consumers are looking for new products that have no sugar, preservatives, or artificial colours in their composition. The introduction of new products in the fruit and vegetable industry is associated with high risk. Everything can be bought on the market which is associated with oversaturation, and which may lead to the project's failure. The subject of the work was jams made from zucchini, pumpkin, and carrots in home conditions. The aim of the study was to characterize innovative products, i.e., jams, and find out the potential consumers opinions about them. A good composition described the jams produced. All jams were rated positively (the overall rating was above 4 on a 5-point scale). A significant proportion of respondents expressed a desire to purchase zucchini and pumpkin jams, to a lesser extent, carrot jams, if they were available in the market, and recommend them to their relatives.(original abstract)Downloads
Copyright (c) 2019 Magdalena Lasota
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