Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
“Prace Naukowe Uniwersystetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu” (Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business) is a professional, peer-reviewed scientific journal with an economic and social profile, published continuously since 1956. The journal is currently a quarterly and all articles are published (in Polish or English) in open access, in accordance with the double-blind review process and the rules of publishing ethics.
The journal is a forum for the publication of original results of theoretical and empirical research on the disciplines of economics, finance, management and quality, and for making them available on the basis of open and non-commercial access. It includes articles in the field of social sciences, in such research areas as: economics, finance, management, business, environmental and ecological economics, demography, sociology, tourism, applied mathematics, statistics, econometrics, economic informatics, and interdisciplinary studies.
Since volume 65 (year 2021), the journal is being published quarterly.
ISSN 1899-3192
e-ISSN 2392-0041 -
Argumenta Oeconomica
Argumenta Oeconomica is an international, peer-reviewed semiannual journal. We are donated by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The magazine received 70 points in the scientific journals specified by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2024. The 2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is 0.6
Argumenta Oeconomica is covered in Clarivate Analytics services:
– Social Sciences Citation Index©
– Social Scisearch©
– Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
as well as in Elsevier Scopus and IndexCopernicus.ISSN 1233-5835
e-ISSN 2720-5088 -
Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach
ISSN 2080-5993
e-ISSN 2449-9811
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Feel free to contact our Journal Manager ( to schedule a meeting and get your needed guidance.
Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis
The Econometrics journal has been published continuously since 1996. The Econometrics is a scientific journal that promotes both theoretical aspects of mathematical, statistical and econometric methods as well as application possibilities. It focuses on the presentation of new and modernization of well-known methods as well as their adaptation in economy, business processes and social sciences in a very broad meaning. Due to the fast publishing production, the presented articles refer to the latest research, papers are always up-to-date, original, scientific, never printed before in other scientific journals.
Index Copernicus: 100.0
ISSN 1507-3866
e-ISSN 2449-9994The journal is under the patronage of the Committee of Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The official title of this journal is Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis
Biblioteka Regionalisty
Biblioteka Regionalisty is a yearbook published both in paper and electronic version presenting scientific articles in open access on the Lower Silesian Digital Library platform. All publications are prepared in accordance with the applicable publication ethics standards and assessed using double-blind review process method. A prerequisite for their publication is obtaining two positive reviews.
The journal is included in the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with 20 points.
Biblioteka Regionalisty has been published continuously since 2005.
ISSN 2081-4461
e-ISSN 2449-9781 -
Engineering Sciences And Technologies
"Nauki Inżynierskie i Technologie" ["Engineering Sciences and Technologies"] is the only journal published by Wroclaw University of Economics and Business focused on food technology, nutrition, quality in a broader spectrum, and tour guide services quality improvement. On that topic, we also co-host a conference (annually since 2016) on scientific approach to tourism ["Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Turystyczna"], where speakers tackle various topics, such as tour guidance, diet, nutrition, food education, food tourism and gastronomy. We cooperate with best reviewers from Poland and abroad. Every submission undergoes two double-blind peer reviews, which adhere to Polish and international standards. The journal is recorded in AGRO, BazEkon, EBSCO and Google Scolar.
Back issues archive is available on Lower Silesian Digital Library
ISSN 2080-5985
e-ISSN 2449-9773 -
Economics of the 21st Century
The journal “Economics of the 21st Century” was founded in 1996 as a series “Economics and International Economic Relations” within the “Wrocław Academy of Economics Research Papers”. After changing the name of the Academy to the Wroclaw University of Economics, the series was separated as an independent journal. Since a few years it has been published regularly every three months. The scope of the articles covers e.g. the economic thought history, microeconomics, institutional economics, macroeconomics, economic policy, international economics, international business, ecological economics, economics of agriculture, urban and regional economics.
ISSN 1507-3866
e-ISSN 2449-9757 -
Business Informatics
The journal was established as a continuation of the dedicated series “Informatyka Ekonomiczna” as part of the Research Papers of the Wroclaw University of Economics (now Wroclaw University of Economics) created by Prof. Adam Nowicki, PhD. Since 2012, it has already been an independent journal.The journal focuses on the publication of theoretical and practical aspects of the use of information technology in management. The published articles deal with the use of new technological solutions to improve the operations of enterprises. -
Silesian Statistical Review
Śląski Przegląd Statyczny. Silesian Statistical Review is one of the three main journals in Poland dedicated to general statistical problems. General methodological issues are discussed, as well as the applications of various statistical methods in solving real social and economic problems. Special attention is given to two important topics: quality of life and theoretical and practical issues of actuarial statistics. Historical essays are included on a regular bases
As the official journal of the Polish Statistical Society, Branch in Wrocław, it is also designed to attract papers that have a direct relation with the activity of the Society, particularly in the field of education, promotion and raising awareness of the role of the statistics in the civilization development.