Uwarunkowania wykorzystania handlu zagranicznego do dynamizacji rozwoju gospodarki Demokratycznej Republiki Konga



The aim of the undertaken research is to study the main determinants of the use of foreign trade and economic policy and the directions of its changes for the development of the economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Trade exchange is one of the key forms of cooperation between different countries and foreign trade can have a different impact on the country's economic development depending on whether it is a developed or backward country. The impact of foreign trade of the DRC on the economic development of this country has so far been generally negative, which is because this trade is experiencing a crisis characterized by a negative development rate. The article will present the foreign trade policy, the policy of restructuring the economy and the policy regarding the acquisition and use of foreign sources of capital. The policy of this country's economy is bad because it prefers the traditional export and import structure consisting of the export of natural resources and the import of food products and others, less overlapping with the developing needs of the country.(original abstract)





