Currency Risk Management by Companies in the Gaming Industry Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the Period from 2021 to 2022
currency risk management, the gaming industry, derivative instruments in risk managementAbstract
Aim: The main objective of the article is to verify the quality of currency risk management in the gaming industry and determine whether the use of derivative instruments allows for a more effective mitigation of this risk.
Methodology: To achieve this goal, the theoretical part introduces the concept of risk, with particular emphasis on currency risk. Subsequently, the Polish gaming industry is characterized. The last section provides an analysis of the net currency positions of the 15 largest companies in this industry listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It is examined whether these companies use derivative instruments in managing currency risk and how large their open currency positions are.
Results: Based on the conducted analysis, it can be observed that despite the strong exposure to exchange rate risk resulting from the export of most production by gaming industry manufacturers, many of them do not utilize derivative instruments to manage this risk. A deeper verification of currency risk arising from open currency positions demonstrates that the use of derivative instruments in risk management can have a significant impact on reducing companies' exposure to currency risk, reducing it by several times.
Implications and recommendations: These conclusions may be useful for export companies looking for ways to mitigate currency risk.
Originality/value: This area yields interesting results and may be a compelling field for a further analysis in sectors with a larger number of entities or in other industries.
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