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Author Guidelines

Submission process

When submitting your manuscript, please make sure it was created using the article template.

  • In case of any problems with submitting an article, please use the Manual for the Author (available soon) or contact the managing editor
  • The author who submits an article is a corresponding author
  • While submitting an article, please include all co-authors
  • The names of the corresponding author and co-authors are hidden from reviewers
  • Once the article is submitted and then accepted by the editorial committee, reviewers are appointed; if the article receives two positive opinions, the author is informed about the reviewing process being successfully completed
  • Then the author should read the reviews and suggest the final version which is presented to the reviewers
  • If the final version is accepted by the reviewers, its content is checked by technical editor and proofread by a native speaker
  • The adjustments are suggested to the author
  • Once the adjustments are accepted, the article is published

If one review is negative and the other positive, the editorial committee can either have it read by the third reviewer or turn the article down.

If the final version receives negative reviews, the author is obliged to correct the article considering reviewers earlier suggestions.

Two independent reviewers outside the University of Economics and Business in Wroclaw make a review with respect to the following rules:

  • The author and reviewers do not know their respective identities (double-blind review process)
  • The review is written on the review form
  • Article assessment is expressed in points
  • If the article can be published in the journal the review should be unambiguous
  • The Editorial Committee decides if an article is to be published in a given issue of the journal.

The submitted article is reviewed with regard to its: originality of the problem/methods, applied research methods, substantive level, degree of compliance of research purpose, selection and use of subject literature, clarity of disquisition (language, quotations, tables, figures), relevance of a research problem, application value.

A review shall be regarded as negative if at least one of the following three criteria of the article assessment fails:

  • Test methods used
  • Level of knowledge
  • Selection and use of subject literature

Manuscript preparation

  • Please use the article template
  • The article should not be longer than 13 template pages (see below)
  • While submitting the article, please do not include any names or other references which might disclose the authors’ identity
  • Use the APA Citation Style

Submission length

Minimum accepted submission length is 24 000 characters with spaces (about 5.5 pages). The upper limit is 32 000 characters (about 7 pages). Articles that exceed this limit are subject to additional fee of 50 PLN per page, charged upon acceptance of the submission. The hard upper limit of submission length is 60 000 characters (about 13 pages) – going over this limit will result in automatic rejection.

Supplementary materials

The Econometrics journal provides its authors with a website where they can publish extra charts, figures and resources, which could not be included in the original article due to space limits. The authors decide how the materials are accessed and all co-authors consent regarding publishing the materials should be included. In order to do so, please contact the managing editor.

Citation policy, publication and research ethics

In order to quote from other papers, the quote should be in quotation marks with appropriate references. This applies also to author/authors self-citation.

Publishing ethics

Language accuracy

The author should ensure language accuracy of the text so that it is intelligible for the reviewers and has no mistakes. Prior to publication, the text is checked by a native speaker.

Conflicts of interest

In order to avoid a conflict of interests, authors should inform the editor about all their affiliations with other universities. They are kindly requested to notify the editor about any conflict of interests that could have been overlooked.


All submissions scheduled for publication after January 1st, 2025, will be processed and published free of charge. This decision has been made by the order of Rector of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (ZR 173/2024).

Fee in 2024

This journal has a fee waiver policy. Authors from developing countries are exempt from publication fee and their articles are published free of charge. If you are affiliated with an institution based outside of Poland, please make sure to provide the full name of this organization on your user profile or in the "Comments for Editor" section of the submission form.

Following the Order of the Rector of the University of Economics in Wrocław No. 2/2024, authors not eligible for exemption pay a fee in the amount of:

  • PLN 369 (PLN 300 + 23% VAT) when the article has been accepted for printing.

Additional publication fee for an article longer than 32 thousand characters (13 pages): PLN 50 per page.

Authors who individually bear the costs of their publication are asked:

1. send a bank transfer with following credentials: Santander Bank Polska S.A. 17 Oddział we Wrocławiu no.: 07 1090 2529 0000 0006 3400 0503 with an annotation: for an article in a journal (please indicate the title of a journal)

2. and send proof of payment to this address:

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu ul. Komandorska 118/120 53-345 Wrocław

or its scan via e-mail: or

Invoice will be issued based on the proof of payment.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • When submitting your manuscript, please make sure it was created using the article template.
  • The submission text is shorter than 32 thousand characters with spaces.


Peer reviewed articles.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. This website does not use any third party tracking and analytics software. Your data is stored by Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.