[Work in progress] The phenomenon of shrinking Polish cities - essence, causes and effects



city, population, phenomenon of urban shrinkage, restructuring


Selected cities with over 100,000 inhabitants were subjected to descriptive analysis. inhabitants based on natural growth, migration or age structure. 

Based on the analysis conducted in the article below, it can be concluded that the phenomenon of shrinking Polish cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants is a strongly progressive phenomenon that affects their various social, economic and business spheres. The article pays the most attention to the impact of this phenomenon on the size of natural increase, migration and age structures.  The Polish cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants selected for analysis in this article are subject to the phenomenon of shrinkage due to many demographic, social, economic and urban factors listed and described in the further part of the study. Each city has different individual reasons for shrinkage, however the common denominator for these reasons is taking effective actions to stop this negative trend. 

The phenomenon of shrinking Polish cities is an original topic due to the unique conditions in terms of the country's economy, history and society. In addition, this phenomenon is distinguished by its multi-aspect nature in various regions of Poland. Additionally, in the context of Poland, the phenomenon of shrinking cities is becoming increasingly important, but it is still too little explored and requires greater knowledge, which makes it original.

This paper is WIP. Full text download will be available soon.




