Editorial Team
Editorial Board
Tasks and competences of the Editorial Board
Scientific board of the journal has a role of an opinion-providing body of the editor-in-chief. The tasks of the scientific board are in particular:
- ensuring the substantive level of the journal,
- guaranteeing the observation of principles of publishing ethics and informing the editor-in-chief about noticed cases of scientific dishonesty,
- taking care of the image of the journal and its recognition in national and international scientific environment.
Scientific board is composed of research workers from Polish and foreign scientific centres:
- Petr Hlavácek – Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
- Hee-Jung Jun – Department of Public Administration, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
- Andrzej Klasik – The Karol Godula Upper Silesian Academy of Entrepreneurship (USAE) in Chorzów, Poland
- Stanisław Korenik – Wrocław University of Economics, Poland
- Oğuz Özbek – Pamukkale University, Turkey
- Andrey Pochtovyuk – Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi National University, Ukraine
- Janusz Słodczyk – University of Opole, Poland

Stanisław Korenik
Editor In-Chief
Wrocław University of Economics

Piotr Hajduga
Managing Editor
Wrocław University of Economics

Alicja Zakrzewska-Półtorak
Wrocław University of Economics

Tetyana Stefanovska
National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Tasks and competence of the Editors
Editors organize the work of the journal as well as substantive and technical service of the publishing procedure.
- managing the work of the editorial office of the journal,
- conducting supervision over the quality of articles submitted for publication,
- working on smooth functioning of the publication process in coordination with the Publishing House.
Managing Editor is responsible in particular of:
- collecting submitted articles and sending them to reviewers,
- informing authors about further processing or rejecting an article,
- conducting correspondence concerning current affairs of the journal,
- organizing the stability of the journal publishing process once a year and updating the web page.
Prof. zw. dr hab. Stanisław Korenik
In 1988 he obtained the title of Masters of Economics at the Faculty of National Economy of Wrocław University of Economics. He started scientific and educational work as a junior assistant at Wrocław University of Economics on 15 February 1989. In 1992-1993 he took part in the scientific internship under the TEMPUS programme at the University in Lille I in France. After having obtained a degree of a doctor in economy in June 1994 he served as an assistant professor till October 2001. In January 1999 he obtained his habilitation in economy and from October 2001 he started working as an associate professor. He was awarded the title of professor of economic sciences by the President of Poland on 24 April 2012 and he was employed as a full professor on 1 January 2013. Now he works at the Department of Spatial Economy and Local Government Administration of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, which he has been in charge of since 2004. He also worked at the University of Management and Finance in Wrocław from 1998 to 2012, among others as a dean and a vice-rector. From 2004 to 2005 he worked as an associate professor and at the same time as a head at the Department of Regional Economy at the Institute of Economics of Swietokrzyska Academy of Education. From 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2014 he was employed as a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Opole University. He is a member of diverse scientific bodies (for example Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning of Polish Academy of Sciences) and bodies working for business practice (among others supervisory boards). He has taken part in the implementation of a dozen research grants of national or international scope performing different (leadership, executive, organizational) functions.