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  • Wojciech Dawid Krzeszowski ✉️ Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an important element of management control. The aim of the article is to consider the place of KPIs in management control and to propose guidelines for their construction as well as to exemplify this issue in X organisation. The goal was achieved throught the study of the literature, its critical analysis, the author's practical experience and the exemplification of KPI issues in managerial control. Defining KPIs: the dependence between them and the strategy and organizational structure should be taken into account, it is worth being guided by the growth of the company's value, the tasks for employees should be related to the goals of the company. From a practical point of view, it should be remembered that the use of KPIs may also have its "dark sides", namely it may cause a general focus on one specific set of measures, ignoring others that may also be important in the implementation of the company's strategy. The literature was supplemented with: showing the measurement and evaluation of company performance as one of the basic tasks of company management, constituting management control, guidelines for defining KPIs, exemplifying the issue of KPIs in management control.(original abstract)





