Rola informacji w nowoczesnych systemach rachunku kosztów i zarządzania kosztami



Cost accounting in its traditional meaning does not provide information required for the needs of modern strategic management as it does not consider the organisation as a comprehensive system. Modern cost accounting systems should provide managers, preferably on an ongoing basis, with information that is accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive, and tailored to specific needs and conditions. The purpose of the paper is to present the role of information in modern cost accounting systems because it is information that somehow "creates" the content of each and every decision. It is a specific "resource" of each company, indispensable to undertake quick decisions in the area of cost management, related directly to the corporate results. The goal has been achieved by reviewing subject-related literature, by observation, and by a general deductive method. The competencies necessary in the 21st century for the effective management of cost-related information in the organisation have been assessed, as well. Managers searching for new ways of problem solving based on well-designed cost accounting systems have many opportunities to improve the functioning of their companies without having to look at external factors.(original abstract)





