Dywidenda a zmienność stóp zwrotu spółek z indeksów WIG20 i mWIG40



Dividend payout policy has been the subject of extensive research for years. However, the issue of the impact of dividend on company's return volatility remains unsolved. The purpose of the papier is to examine whether the dividend policy of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange affects the volatility of stock return. The research sample concerns 60 firms from WIG20 and mWIG40 indices. Using 12 econometric models, it was proved that the dividend payout reduces the volatility of the company's stock return. On the other hand, no statistically significant relationship was found between the dividend yield and the firm's risk. Therefore, no arguments were found to support the thesis that the increase in the part of benefits of owning shares that is currently received by an investor in the form of dividends in relation to the total value of shares reduces the company's risk.





