Virtue Ethics and Organizational Culture Management in Humanitarian Assistance
humanitarianism, management, values, moral excellence, virtue ethicsAbstract
Aim: The aim of the article is to investigate the validity of virtue ethics to humanitarian organizational culture management.
Methodology: The method applied is basically focused on the analyses of the relevant literature.
Results: The results of the paper show that a humanitarian virtuous agency conducted by innate moral qualities can employ standards that are far beyond formal code duties or effectiveness.
Implications and recommendations: Virtue ethics, by stressing the importance of motivational aspects, has unquestionable implications in analyses around humanitarian organizational culture management.
Originality/value: Motivational aspects become fundamental for relief workers, especially in situations where normality means lack of normality.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adam Płachciak

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Accepted 2024-05-16
Published 2024-09-24