The Impact of Macro-environment and Industry Conditions on Shaping the Circularity of Supply Chains
circularity, supply chain, macro-environment, industry conditionsAbstract
Aim: The aim of the article is to show the main determinants of the macro-environment and closer (industry) environment from the perspective of shaping circular supply chains. The paper identifies the above-mentioned conditions, and then analyzes and evaluates the results of empirical research for factors of this two perspectives in the context of their impact on the closure of supply chains.
Methodology: In addition to the literature analysis and desk research on the impact of individual factors stimulating or destimulating the construction of circular supply chains, the article presents the results that are part of a broader survey conducted using the CAWI method in 2023 among FMCG companies. The study included 325 companies, which is a representative sample for the surveyed population.
Results: The results of the research provide the basis for the conclusion that external conditions, both macroeconomic and industry-related, have a significant impact on shaping the circularity of supply chains, and closing their circulation requires designing and building relationships that are very often inter-industry and that take into account specific macroeconomic factors.
Implications and recommendations: The results and conclusions of the research can be a recommendation for shaping strategies and building circular supply chains in the FMCG industry. However, in order to obtain a comprehensive picture, it would be necessary to conduct an analysis of internal organizational factors, as well as to conduct analyses in other industries, which implies space for further research on the issue of closing supply chains in the economy.
Originality/value: In the literature, much more attention is paid to identifying internal conditions that can shape the circularity of supply chains. The presented research results indicate the factors of the more macroeconomic and industry-related environment as important areas that can significantly affect the building of circular supply chains and their closure.
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