Application of Focused Group Interviews in Research on Occupational Burnout
qualitative research, focus group interviews, professional burnoutAbstract
Aim: The aim of this article is to highlight the possibilities and limitations of using focus group interviews in studies on professional burnout.
Methodology: The study draws on relevant literature and presents findings from original research conducted with four groups of members of Generation Z.
Results: Analysis of qualitative research methodologies used in studies on professional burnout indicates that individual and group in-depth interviews are the dominant techniques. The primary goals of these studies are to identify professional experiences contributing to burnout, determine factors leading to stress and burnout, and develop intervention methods in this area.
Implications and recommendations: The article offers recommendations for the use of qualitative research methodologies, particularly focus group interviews, in projects related to professional burnout. These recommendations pertain both to the design and implementation of such studies.
Originality/value: This article presents a novel approach that examines the potential of using focus group interviews to address the sensitive issue of burnout syndrome. The value of this approach is to point out its potential to include the perspective of Generation Z.
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