Pro-ecological Motives of Management in Supply Chain Management – A Case Study of Sikla Polska




management motivation, green supply chain management, green management


Aim: The aim of this article is to analyze the motivation of management in making pro-ecological decisions in supply chain management by means of Sikla Polska example.

Methodology: The study distinguishes between internal and external motivation among the management team. The research includes a case study of Sikla Polska’s supply chain, utilizing an interview with the managing director.

Results: The analysis reveals that understanding the motivation of the management team is crucial for the effective implementation of green practices in supply chains. Both internal and external factors can motivate companies to undertake pro-ecological actions. Sikla Polska’s supply chain is characterized by significant green initiatives, such as reducing carbon footprint, using recyclable materials, and collaborating with environmentally conscious suppliers.

Implications and recommendations: The findings suggest that companies should recognize and leverage both internal and external motivations to enhance the adoption of sustainable practices in their supply chains. Tailored strategies that address these motivations can lead to more effective and committed implementation of green initiatives.

Originality/value: This study provides valuable insights into the dual nature of motivation in the context of pro-ecological decision-making in supply chain management. By highlighting the importance of both internal and external factors, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of how to foster sustainable practices within organizations. The case study of Sikla Polska offers practical examples of successful green initiatives and their impact on supply chain management.


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