Usefulness of the European Union Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities Based on the Example of the Mining Company
sustainable development, regulations, taxonomy, key performance indicatorsAbstract
Aim: The main scientific purpose of the article is a critical analysis of the key performance indicators in EU taxonomy regulations for sustainable activities for non-financial companies.
Methodology: The following research methods were used: literature analysis, criticism of legal EU regulations and individual case method.
Results: Non-financial companies must report on certain climate-related key performance indicators. In particular, information on the proportion of the turnover, capital expenditure or operating expenditure, which is associated with environmental sustainable economic activities. Usefulness of these key performance indicators is very low both from the point of view of the investor as well as of other stakeholders; indicators are static; it is difficult to compare them over time, and generally they do not reflect positive or negative effects of the company’s impact on the environmental. Calculation of these indicators, which is very time-consuming and cost-intensive, requires the involvement of experienced managers, industry specialists and external experts as well as expansion of analytical accounting and detailed business planning. There is a contradiction between the economics of generating information and its usefulness.
Implications and recommendations: When one considers the noble goals of ensuring the protection of the natural environment, it is necessary to reformulate key performance indicators towards disclosing information about the company’s negative impact on the environment, but also about the positive effects of its protection.
Originality/value: Filling the cognitive theory gap in the subject of taxonomy systematics, qualified as environmentally sustainable, especially since the Polish literature on the subject in this substantive area is very modest. The utilitarian value is an indication of the low usefulness of the information disclosed in mandatory reports on sustainable development.
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