Risk Management as a Key Element of ESG Reporting under the CSRD Directive from a Supply Chain Perspective





ESG, directive CSRD, directive CSDD, risk, supply chain


Aim: The purpose of this article is to present key aspects of ESG risk management and the requirements arising from the entry into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) from the perspective of supply chain participants.

Methodology: To address these questions, the article reviews the available literature on the topic and employs a desk research method, including an analysis of legal acts, industry reports, and previous studies on the implementation of ESG rules. Additionally, face-to-face interviews were conducted with sustainability experts and representatives of companies subject to mandatory reporting under the CSRD.

Results: The findings indicate that companies are taking various measures to comply with the new regulations, but the scale of implementation varies depending on the industry, company size, and level of ESG awareness. Key challenges include the high cost of implementation, the lack of clear interpretive guidelines, and the necessity to collect and report detailed sustainability data. At the same time, companies recognize several benefits, such as improved corporate image, increased attractiveness to investors, and optimization of internal processes.

Implications and recommendations: Based on the results, several recommendations were formulated to support companies in adapting to the new ESG and CSRD requirements. Key actions include the development of ESG monitoring and risk management systems, standardization of reporting processes, and enhanced collaboration among supply chain participants in sharing best practices. Of particular importance is the implementation of modern digital tools that facilitate data collection and analysis while minimizing the administrative burden associated with reporting.

Originality/value: This article provides an update on the impact of the CSRD on ESG risk management in the supply chain. The study incorporates both a theoretical perspective and practical experiences of companies, making it a valuable resource for managers, business analysts, and decision-makers responsible for implementing sustainability strategies.


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