A Practical Approach to the Geometric Design of a Parcel Locker Network Taking into Account User Preferences – The Example of Zielona Góra





parcel locker, last mile logistics, network optimization


Aim: The aim of the article is to propose the project of the parcel locker network which will increase the coverage of parcel lockers in the selected part of the city of Zielona Góra by examining user preferences and then using the obtained information to create an initial version of a triangular network of parcel lockers.

Methodology: For the purposes of the research, literature studies, a survey, and statistical analysis were conducted.

Results: In the case of Zielona Góra, a network guaranteeing a distance to the parcel locker of up to 300 m would satisfy 75% of users and at the same time would not involve excessive costs of practical implementation. A triangular parcel locker network created based on this parameter would have larger range than the current one by 45.79%.

Implications and recommendations: When designing a network of parcel lockers, it is necessary to recognize users’ preferences in terms of the ability to regularly cover distances on foot or by bicycle. Moreover, in addition to advanced optimization methods, it is also worth using simple geometric methods, especially in the initial phase of designing process.

Originality/value: The conducted research shows how user preferences should be examined and taken into account when designing parcel locker networks. Especially when it comes to its optimal density.


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Received 2023-12-01
Accepted 2024-04-05
Published 2025-03-18