The Wood Biomass Supply Chain – Results of a Quantitative Empirical Study




supply chain, wood, biomass


Aim: The aim of this paper is to identify the types of woody biomass occurring in Poland, their most common uses, logistical and technological processes, types of actors dealing with it, woody biomass requirements as well as adaptation of logistics and opportunities for the development of the woody biomass supply chain.

Methodology: To achieve the objective, an empirical study was used, which was carried out in Poland on a sample of 300 respondents, representing the wood industry, in particular those dealing with woody biomass.

Results: Wood is a versatile raw material with many uses. Its advantage is that it can be reused and recycled. Some is used as biomass. The logistics and technology of converting biomass to energy present significant challenges. The management of woody biomass is not only ecologically important, but also it is an important part of the efficiency of companies.

Implications and recommendations: The results of the research will be used to develop a reverse supply chain model for woody biomass. The model will assist companies in reducing their environmental impact by reducing waste, while improving economic efficiency by optimising transport routes and saving resources.

Originality/value: Wood biomass management is an important field, but little research conducted to date is empirical. The conducted research provides information on the wood biomass supply chain in Poland.


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Received 2023-10-29
Accepted 2024-03-25
Published 2025-03-18