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Wytyczne dla autorów

  1. Silesian Statistical Review publishes articles in Polish or English.
  2. Any information concerning editorial requirements of a submitted text and a way of preparing a list of references can be found in the template of the article in the upper part of the page.
  3. The length of an article shall be within the limits of 8-12 pages.
  4. The article should be accompanied by:
    1. an abstract in Polish and English languages (separate text consisting of approximately 100 words, which read in isolation from the rest of work informs about its content; it should consist of such elements as formulation of research goal, identification of research subject, essence of the employed method and the most important results and proposals),
    2. keywords (from 3 to 5) in Polish and English languages,
    3. JEL classification codes (JEL Classification System).
  5. Articles are checked using anti-plagiarism system of iThenticate.
  6. Articles submitted for a review should not include their authors’ data because reviewing of articles takes place in double-blind review process (an author and a reviewer do not know the identity of each other).
  7. Articles submitted after a review should include the first name and surname of author/authors, affiliation of author/authors, e-mail address of author/authors and alternatively the source of funding.
  8. Reviews are available for authors in OJS.


According to the Order No. 1/2023 of the Rector of Wrocław University of Economics of 2 January 2023 the authors shall pay a sum of:

  • 369 zł (300 zł + 23% VAT) after having obtained 2 positive reviews and having accepted an article for publication.

Account number:

Santander Bank Polska S.A. 17 Oddział we Wrocławiu

07 1090 2529 0000 0006 3400 0503

as:  za artykuł w czasopiśmie Śląski Przegląd Statystyczny

After having submitted an article in OJS, the proof of payment should be sent to the e-mail address or

Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Wszystkie zgłoszenia muszą spełniać następujące wymagania.

  • Zgłoszenie nie było jeszcze publikowane, ani nie zostało wysłane do innego czasopisma (lub odpowiednie wyjaśnienie zostało zawarte w sekcji komentarzy dla redaktora).
  • Tekst przestrzega wymogów stylistycznych i bibliograficznych wyznaczonych we Wskazówkach dla autora.
  • Plik zgłoszenia zapisane jest w formacie zapisu Microsoft Word.


Artykuły recenzowane.

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