Characteristics of an Inclusive Leader in Own Research



innovation, inclusive leader, proprietary research, leadership


The purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of an inclusive leader in the process of successfully implementing change in an organization. It is assumed here that every organization must implement innovations in the field of employee resources, applying the characteristics of an inclusive leader. In the course of the research, the following work was carried out: analysis of the foundational data, an individual in-depth interview and a questionnaire survey. The survey included respondents from micro and small enterprises. The article is based on the third stage of the empirical research conducted in 2022. The findings identify the characteristics and competencies of an inclusive leader. Teams led by inclusive leaders are more likely to achieve better results through more accurate decision-making and collaboration. Given the rapid pace of change, it seems advisable to constantly and systematically monitor the activities of an inclusive leader in the organization. The presented research results show which soft skills will have an impact on the development of the organization.

Author Biography

  • Agnieszka Rzepka, Politechnika Lubelska

    dr hab. Agnieszka Rzepka, prof. PL 

    Pracownik Katedry Ekonomii i Zarządzania Gospodarką Politechniki Lubelskiej w Lublinie.

    Autorka i współautorka łącznie około 170 publikowanych i niepublikowanych prac naukowo-badawczych.

    Zainteresowania naukowe:

    Problematyka funkcjonowania i rozwoju przedsiębiorstw ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przedsiębiorstw sektora MŚP oraz warunków i czynników tego rozwoju. Obejmuje ona:

    -  instytucjonalizacja biznesu i wzrostu konkurencyjności podmiotów gospodarczych

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Received 2023-04-15
Accepted 2023-10-30
Published 2024-03-26