Charakterystyka, źródła finansowania i wartość start-upów branży MedTech w Polsce


  • Natalia Mańkowska ✉️ Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni


The aim of the article was to present the characteristics of start-ups in the MedTech industry in Poland, analyze the sources of their financing and assess the market value. The study used data on start-ups established in 2011-2021 (according to the Polish Development Fund), data from the National Court Register and industry articles on MedTech development trends in Poland. The analysis shows that the MedTech industry in Poland is stable, prospective, and the start-ups operating in it are reaching operational maturity. The analyzed financial data show that the main source of capital are funds obtained from private sources: VC funds (97% of start-ups) and from business angels. A weakness related to financing is the limited possibility of obtaining capital from public funds and cooperation in this area (private sector with the public sector). Almost 40% of the surveyed entities have acquired capital in excess of EUR 10 million. The maximum valuation of the MedTech start-up in Poland currently exceeds EUR 900 million.(original abstract)





