Znaczenie audytu w autoryzowaniu transakcji bankowych - studium przypadku
Internal fraud, in particular embezzlement of funds by certain accountants, is one of the most dangerous economic crimes because it is an action aimed not only against the property of enterprises but it also constitutes an abuse of trust and results in unreliable bookkeeping. The purpose of the article is to present the possibility of even long-term and unnoticed misappropriation of funds by persons authorized to carry out bank transfers so as to prevent cases of this type of embezzlements and to show the importance of audit and internal control in this regard.This goal was achieved, among others through positive verification of the thesis that in the current legal conditions, the separation of competences for the preparation and approval of bank transfers, as well as efficient audit and internal control are able to limit the misappropriation of funds during the execution of a bank transfers.(original abstract)Downloads
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