Bariery wdrażania elektronicznych systemów zarządzania dokumentacją w jednostkach administracji publicznej na przykładzie urzędu miejskiego w Świebodzicach


  • Katarzyna Bobowska ✉️ Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


The aim of the study is to show the barriers to the implementation of electronic documentation management systems in public administration units, based on the example of the City Hall in Świebodzice, in which the e-Document Management (eZD) system was implemented. An indepth interview method was conducted with the office employees, during which they talked about their experiences with the use of the system. The results obtained show that the employees are not fully satisfied with the introduction of the eZD. The analysis of the respondents' answers allowed to state that the causes of problems with the implementation and operation of the eZD system were both system imperfections and the negative attitude of employees. However, there are solutions in the form of, for example: e-learning, user satisfaction surveys or other forms of assistance suggested by employees.(original abstract)





