Wpływ systemu sprawozdawczości finansowej na efektywną stopę opodatkowania polskich spółek



The article aims to check the impact of the application of accounting regulations: international financial reporting standards (IFRS) or the Accounting Act (AA) on the disclosed effective income tax rate (ETR). Based on a review of the literature and legal regulations, the author believes that regardless of the financial reporting system (IFRS or AA), ETR should be similar in companies from the same industry. This belief results from the fact that the methodology for determining the amount of income tax in profit or loss in the accounting systems in question is the same. The subject of the study is large Polish companies. The study will use a comparative analysis of selected descriptive statistics, analysis of the equality of medians (Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon pair order test). The study results indicate that there are discrepancies in the value of ETR medians in companies applying IFRS or AA. In most cases, the applied tests showed no grounds to reject the hypothesis of the equality of medians.(original abstract)





