Miejsce audytu wewnętrznego i kontroli wewnętrznej w systemie kontroli zarządczej jst w Polsce
The subject of this article is the analysis of the functioning of internal audit and internal control in the whole system of management control of local government units. The purpose of this article is to indicate the areas of internal audit and internal control in the context of the provisions of the Law on Public Finance. Making an attempt to locate these two positions in the organizational structure of local government units and an attempt to show the common areas of their activity is the research objective of the publication, which, based on the analysis of legal regulations and literature, has been achieved. This proposal is a response to the need for continuous support for the head of the unit by internal audit and internal control, which are very important elements of the whole management system aimed at achieving objectives in a legal, effective, economical, appropriate, efficient and timely manner. Literature research, review of legal regulations and in-ternet sources were used as a methodology of the issue analysis.(original abstract)Downloads
Copyright (c) 2021 Dominika Kołodziej

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