Miejsce publicznego doradztwa rolniczego Polski w Systemie Wiedzy i Innowacji Rolniczych Unii Europejskiej


  • Alina Walenia ✉️ Kolegium Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


The Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) may be defined as a network of research institutes, consultancy centres, agricultural schools and other non-governmental organisations involved in helping farmers with improving the innovation of their farms and solving new economic problems. One can notice many similarities in the cohesion of the AKIS system in individual EU member states. In the majority of countries, the public sector (at national, regional and local level) was represented in AKIS as the provider of information, financial support, and consultancy services. The article presents the features of national AKIS in selected EU countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Germany, Portugal). The purpose of the article included the assessment of the public agricultural consultancy offered by voivodeship centres of agricultural consultancy in Poland in the context of the rules of functioning of the AKIS system in individual EU member states.(original abstract)





