Stan wiedzy o telepracy jako jeden z czynników warunkujących jej rozwój i popularyzację
The article is an attempt to identify aspects related to transformations in the labor market and the approach to knowledge management towards telework in the context of market conditions caused by globalization and the very rapid development of information and communication technologies. It raises the issue of teleworking as one of the alternative and flexible forms of employment. It includes an attempt to identify factors that may hinder the popularization and development of teleworking in Poland. The study uses the studies of domestic and foreign literature on the subject, the results of previous research on the state of knowledge about teleworking and an analysis of own research. The aim of the article is to present the results of a survey that identified the state of knowledge about teleworking and its accompanying factors, among students of three Wrocław universities in the context of popularizing teleworking in Poland.(original abstract)Downloads
Copyright (c) 2020 Mateusz Pruchnik

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