Problemy finansowania działalności innowacyjnej w Polsce
Low levels of innovation indicators characterize Polish economy as being unable to generate innovations. This results in distant places of Poland in global innovation and competitiveness rankings and implies serious consequences for sustainable growth and development of the whole economy. The aim of this paper is to assess the level of Polish innovation mainly in the context of sources of financing innovative activities including research and development (R&D). In this paper the structure of financing of R&D and innovation activities in Poland is presented. Using the methods of descriptive statistics, the author draws attention to the low level of innovation in Poland caused mainly by low innovativeness of enterprises, which excludes them from the global race to build a knowledge-based economy. The main reasons for innovational exclusions found in this paper include inter alia, the low level of internal expenditure on R&D, and the lack of funds indicated by companies as one of the main barriers to investment in innovation.(original abstract)Downloads
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