Rola outsourcingu w przemyśle i usługach - analiza porównawcza


  • Anna Maziarczyk ✉️ Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


Business activity is the basis of microeconomics. This leads to a continuous increase in the expectations of the environment towards contemporary enterprises. As a result, they increasingly decide to implement outsourcing in their operations. The purpose of the article is to determine the importance of outsourcing in companies from the industry and services sector, which are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Conducting the analysis made it possible to check if companies with a different nature of activity are willing to use the services of external suppliers to the same extent. The examination of the share of costs incurred by companies in the context of external services in the years 2015-2018 enabled the partial verification of the adopted hypothesis. It should be noted that there is a certain limit to the interpretation of the results obtained. Not all costs that are part of external services need to be outsourced. It has turned out that there are significant differences in the tendency to entrust part of their tasks to an external contractor among various industries. This is confirmed by the literature and the result of non-parametric U Mann-Whitney test.(original abstract)





