Efektywność kapitału intelektualnego a wyniki finansowe przedsiębiorstwa


  • Joanna Nakonieczny ✉️ Politechnika Rzeszowska


No economic organisation is an independent entity operating individually, regardless of the environment and the system. The ability to survive in a turbulent and highly competitive environment depends on its ability to innovate and forces it to constantly strive to increase its efficiency and productivity. Considering the fact that the main driver of development of any organisation is intellectual capital and not material one, it seems obvious to examine its impact on financial results. The aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of intellectual capital and its impact on the financial results of the entity in question. The analysis was based on the modified Pulića - MVAIC coefficient. The relationship between particular components of the coefficient and basic financial measures of the studied ROA and ROE units was examined using the r-Pearson correlation coefficient. Empirical results clearly indicate a close positive relationship between the MVAIC index and the unit's profitability. The whole study is complemented by a review of literature from the studied scope.(original abstract)





