Analiza tendencji rozwoju przewozów ładunków na śródlądowych drogach wodnych w Polsce
Examples from European countries show that the transport function of inland waterways is significant. In Poland, outlays on inland waterways are too small in relation to the needs. It is likely that freight transport on the national inland waterway network in Poland will disappear. Therefore, the aim of the article was to estimate the scale of regression of cargo transport on inland waterways in Poland, as well as to estimate the transport forecast in the perspective up to 2020. The econometric model was used to verify the adopted hypothesis and to implement the research goal. The time variable 't' was adopted as the key variable explaining changes in the volume of cargo transportations on waterways in Poland. The disappearance of the inland waterway transport function means giving up the benefits of developing inland waterway transport, but it can also be a signal of serious problems related to water management in Poland.(original abstract)Downloads
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