Nakłady inwestycyjne na infrastrukturę ochrony środowiska na obszarach wiejskich - studium przypadku wsi dolnośląskiej


  • Joanna Szymańska ✉️ Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


The study presents the results of the analysis of investment expenditure incurred for the development of selected devices and technical infrastructure facilities serving environmental protection in the Lower Silesian village in 2007-2016. Relatively the most of these expenditures were allocated to the development of collective sewage system, less to collective sewage treatment plants, and the least to landfills and individual rural sewage treatment plants. The main sources of financing for the analyzed investments turned out to be: European Union structural funds, budgets of municipal governments, as well as funds for environmental protection and water management. Resources from the state budget and from rural residents were of relatively small importance. The article also presents material effects of incurred investment outlays. To prepare the study, desk research methods were used: descriptive, analytical, and mathematical and statistical (using Excel software).(original abstract)





