Postrzeganie błędów biznesowych w polskich i niemieckich przedsiębiorstwach - studium porównawcze
Both management theory and business practice focus on successes, while making mistakes and failing is an inevitable consequence of many entrepreneurial activities. The perception of business mistakes is also determined by the optimization approach and the growth paradigm, where failure is perceived negatively, and equalled with not achieving the assumed goals. However, failure should not be seen as unbeneficial. Given that assumption, the authors examined the extent to which Polish and German enterprises allow for making business mistakes and what the consequences of the mistakes for organizations and their members are. Two hypotheses about a cultural conditioning of business mistakes management and about an existence of supranational factors were put forward. The results of the research pointed to the validity of the second hypothesis, and enabled to formulate three failure management approaches: penalizing mistakes, analyzing them and enabling mistakes.(original abstract)Downloads
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