Wykorzystanie zrównoważonej karty wyników w ocenie zdolności rozwojowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
The experience of recent years indicates a profound change in the approach to the need for development in local government units. Officials are required to focus not only on financial measures, but also on involvement in pro-development activities, which in turn determine the success of these organizations. The specificity of the functioning of the budget sector forces the presentation of various measures, but the measurement process cannot be an end in itself. The literature on the subject indicates Balanced Scorecard as a tool that uses multi-faceted methods for assessing development activities. Therefore, the main goal of the article is to emphasize the importance of prospective measures of research on the development capacity of local government units. Using the literature research, the deductive method and the reasoning by analogy, the concept of assessment of the contribution of officials to the development of the local government unit was presented.(original abstract)Downloads
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