On the Research Concerning the Place and Role of the Logistics Concept in Business Management. Basic Characteristics of the Business Logistics Concept





logistics, logistics concept, logistics concept characteristics


Aim: The aim of the article is to identify the most important characteristics of the logistics concept, including logistics orientations, logistics aspects and logistics rules in the context of the evolution as well as the premises of the business logistics concept development.

Methodology: The logistics concept includes strategic analysis, logistics goals, logistics strategies and logistics tools. The article provides an in-depth interpretation and reinterpretation of the most significant characteristics of the logistics concept in the context of changes concerning this area in the several recent years.

Results: The logistics concept has a multidimensional impact on the business management system and its individual subsystems. The characteristics of the logistics concept, comprising logistics orientations, logistics aspects and logistics rules allow for a comprehensive approach to the logistics concept and its broad embedding in business management.

Implications and recommendations: The logistics concept is constantly gaining importance in broadly understood business management. This is expressed in the increasingly common perception of the logistics concept in managerial terms. The growing significance of the logistics concept in the practice of business management is related to both internal and external conditions of the firm activities on the market.

Originality/value: Relatively little space is devoted to the logistics concept and its significance within broadly understood business management. The article presents the results of the interpretation and reinterpretation of the most significant characteristics of the logistics concept in the context of changes concerning this area during the several recent years.


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