The Evaluation of the Logistic Capacity of the Podlaskie Voivodeship from Transport Routes’ Perspective




logistics capacity, Podlaskie Voivodeship, transport routes, STEEPVL analysis, expert panel


Aim: The purpose of this article is to assess the logistics potential of Podlaskie Voivodeship as a place for the development of a logistics center, with particular emphasis on its role at the intersection of transport routes, such as Via Carpatia, Via Baltica and Rail Baltica. The main task is to identify and evaluate the factors affecting the logistics potential of the voivodeship.

Methodology: The study used a critical review of the literature on logistics, transportation infrastructure and regional development to identify key factors affecting the logistics potential of the Podlaskie voivodeship. This was followed by a detailed analysis using the STEEPVL methodology, including social, technological, economic, environmental, political, value-generating and legal aspects. In addition, an expert panel was organized with representatives from science, business, local government, infrastructure management and logistics to enrich the quantitative data with practical opinions and experiences.

Results: The analysis showed areas for improvement due to low scores, indicating existing barriers and challenges to the development of the logistics sector. The region’s strengths were also identified as the basis for further development and increasing the competitiveness of the Podlaskie voivodeship in logistics.

Implications and recommendations: Identification of aspects that require special attention and areas that are evaluated positively of the region allows targeting activities aimed at eliminating barriers and strengthening the strengths of Podlaskie Voivodeship. The results of the survey can serve as a basis for decision-making by decision-makers, investors and other entities interested in the development of the logistics sector in the region.

Originality/value: The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the logistics potential of the Podlaskie voivodeship using the STEEPVL method and expert opinions. It is a valuable source of knowledge for decision-makers and investors, offering practical guidance on the development of logistics infrastructure in the region.


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