The level, antecedents and consequences of occupational burnout among academic teachers from state universities of economics in Poland
burnout, turnover intention, work-family conflict, family-work conflict, effort-reward imbalance, stress-inducing customer behaviour, academic teachersAbstract
Aim: The purpose of the study was to diagnose the level of occupational burnout of academic teachers from state universities of economics in Poland, and to identify its antecedents and consequences. The hypotheses are as follows: H1: The level of occupational burnout of academic teachers from state universities of economics is high; H2: The higher the effort-reward imbalance, the higher the level of occupational burnout; H3: The higher the work-family conflict, the higher the level of occupational burnout; H4: The higher the family-work conflict, the higher the level of occupational burnout; H5: The higher the intensity of stress-inducing student behaviour, the higher the level of occupational burnout; H6: The higher the level of occupational burnout, the higher the turnover intention; H7: The measured occupational burnout is a consequence of effort-reward imbalance, stress-inducing customer behaviour, work-family conflict and family-work conflict; H8: Turnover intention is a consequence of occupational burnout; H9: Turnover intention is a consequence of effort-reward imbalance, stressinducing customer behaviour, work-family conflict and family-work conflict.
Methodology: The study applied a variety of psychometric tools, including Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT), Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) questionnaire, Carlson Scale (measuring Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC)), Stress-Inducing Customer Behaviour Scale (SCBS) and Turnover Intention Scale 6 (TIS-6).
Results: In the surveyed group of academic teachers from state universities of economics in Poland, one in five was at a very high risk of burnout, and one in five was qualified to be considered as being at risk of burnout. Their burnout is related to the effort-reward imbalance, the severity of the workfamily conflict, and the family-work conflict, and the intensity of stress-inducing student behaviour. The most important factors were the effort-reward imbalance and the work-family conflict. Burnout is also clearly correlated with turnover intention.
Implications and recommendations: This study has both scientific and practical implications. Research at other types of universities in Poland is recommended for further studies. Moreover, international inquiries would enable an international and multicultural view of the occupational burnout of academic teachers, whilst expanding research onto organizational, social, and personality-related factors would give a more comprehensive view of the studied phenomenon. The practical implications show the need to incorporate strategies for prevention of burnout at state universities of economics.
Originality/value: The research significantly expands the existing knowledge about the level and important antecedents and consequences of occupational burnout among academic teachers. The methodological novelty of the study lies in the unique and multi-dimensional combination of burnout antecedents. The investigation included one of the first applications of the Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-6). The research is also one of the first in the world (and the first in Poland) application of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) among a group of academic teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marta Nowak, Marzena Syper-Jędrzejak, Przemysław Kabalski, Aleksandra Baszczyńska

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