About the Journal
About us
Argumenta Oeconomica is an international, peer-reviewed semiannual journal. We are donated by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The magazine received 70 points in the scientific journals specified by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2024. The 2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is 0.6
Argumenta Oeconomica is covered in Clarivate Analytics services:
– Social Sciences Citation Index©
– Social Scisearch©
– Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
as well as in Elsevier Scopus and IndexCopernicus.
ISSN 1233-5835
e-ISSN 2720-5088
Guidelines and Policies
The manuscript should begin with an abstract. The abstract should not contain any formulas or references. Its purpose is to summarise clearly the principal conclusions of the paper.
The paper should be subdivided into sections and subsections as necessary. Main headings (centred) should designate the major sections; side headings (underlined) should designate minor sections.
Equations should be editable during production, if necessary. Please use either the native Word equation editor add-in or the MathType add-in. Do not convert your equations into images (equations, symbols, variables as images are not acceptable).
Symbols and variables in the text must be either in italics or as equations.
References must be listed alphabetically by the surname of the first author followed by year, the title, journal name, volume, pages for journal references; and author(s), year, title, and publisher for the book references.
All references should be indicated in the manuscript by the author’s surname followed by the year of publication: e. g. Hellwig (1968). Where references include three or more authors, the form Hellwig et al. (1993) should be used.
Footnotes should be avoided. Parentheses should be used in their place.
No maximum length for the paper is prescribed; however authors should write concisely.
Ensure that your paper is written in correct scientific English before submission.
Because of the double-blind review process, please note that you must submit a blind copy of your manuscript.
No manuscript submitted shall have been or will be published elsewhere. All articles are routinely screened for plagiarism before publishing.
A bibliography software package such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, ReadCube Papers or EasyBib, which allow automatically format and insert citation, is recommend to use. Using any of these tool, according to the Editor rules, APA style is required.
Websites of Reference Management Software:
www.zotero.org (free of charge)
www.mendeley.com (free of charge)
endnote.com (chargeable)
https://www.papersapp.com/ (chargeable)
https://www.easybib.com/ (free of charge)